California has some really nice beaches, I mean that is if you don't like swimming at them... They have signs everywhere saying "keep out" "warning" "dangerous" Mainly due to the waves / rips.
I went to Half Moon Bay for the Maverick Surf contest - Over 2000 people showed up just to view it on a screen at a hotel, which charged $15. I just went to a nearby restaurant and watched some online instead. It was pretty interesting - the waves were huge, perhaps 40ft+
Mystery Spot is your typical tourist trap attraction. It's a 30 minute tour pretty much based on optical illusions - it was interesting but I'm kinda glad it only cost $6.
$5 for parking (but I just didn't mention I drove)
Big Sur is a really popular tourist destination as well, but mainly because it has such remarkable views (see below photos.) I didn't drive down the whole way because it goes for 140km but from what I saw - it was amazing.
Views from Big Sur |
xx Sarah
ps: If you don't have an iPhone you can contact me via Viber! It's free text and calls with wifi. Otherwise, Skype/Facebook (not applicable to any family members) or Email at anytime you like.
Great photos Sarah! Sounds like the trip is going great!! Viv' and the boys send their love - it's Australia Day here and we are off to the fireworks :-)