
Currently in Ecuador, making my way up to Quitos via the coast. 

Went to the poor mans Galapagos, known as Palta Island to see some wildlife and go snorkeling- managed to swim with a turtle. 

Going to be flying to Mexico in a few days to see Natalia and Elisa from Surval, spending Christmas / New Years with Jess and her family in the states. 
Unsure of my next plans, will keep you updated. 

xxx Sarah  


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“To see the world, things dangerous to come to, to see behind walls, draw closer, to find each other and to feel. That is the purpose of life"

Meet The Author

I'm Sarah, a 24 year old communications graduate from Melbourne, Australia. I like dogs, netflix and avocado dip. I'm currently documenting my unplanned travels with the help of my iPhone, Canon Powershoot and friends.