East EU

Hi everyone, 

So while I was in Berlin, I was a but sick which meant I didn't do as much as I would have liked. My favourite part however was probably the Memorial to the Murded Jews of Europe, designed by architect Peter Eisenman. It was free, apart from the audio guild which went into not only the history of the camps but letters, postcards and interviews with remaining family members. 

Berlin was cool, but I think it was so different to the other cities I had seen around Europe, very post war structures (which makes complete sense obviously) but before going there, the thought hadn't really crossed my mind. 
Munich's main centre area had an amazing gothic style church, where Anna (whom I met in Guatemala) said whenever Germany wins the football, this is where they come to celebrate. 

I caught up with Sophie in the Netherlands, who stayed in flagstaff, Arizona with me. She lived a little out of Amsterdam and so I was able to experience the country side. She explained how technically the Netherlands should almost be underground however they've learnt how to work the water throughtheir meadows  and cities which was interesting. I went to a coffee shop, saw the red light district and tried the best little Dutch waffle cookies I have no idea what to call them. 

I'm sorry about image quality, these are the only ones on my IPad because I misplaced my SD card which is probably the most annoying thing I've done to date, but what can you do? 
I have one more Europe update, then it should catch up to USA/Canada. 

xx SJ. 


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“To see the world, things dangerous to come to, to see behind walls, draw closer, to find each other and to feel. That is the purpose of life"

Meet The Author

I'm Sarah, a 24 year old communications graduate from Melbourne, Australia. I like dogs, netflix and avocado dip. I'm currently documenting my unplanned travels with the help of my iPhone, Canon Powershoot and friends.