
California has some really nice beaches, I mean that is if you don't like swimming at them... They have signs everywhere saying  "keep out" "warning" "dangerous" Mainly due to the waves / rips. 
I went to Half Moon Bay for  the Maverick Surf contest - Over 2000 people showed up just to view it on a  screen at a hotel, which charged $15. I just went to a nearby restaurant  and watched some online instead. It was pretty interesting - the waves were huge, perhaps 40ft+  

Mystery Spot is your typical tourist trap attraction. It's a 30 minute tour pretty much based on optical illusions - it was interesting but I'm kinda glad it only cost $6. 
$5 for parking (but I just didn't mention I drove)

Big Sur is a really popular tourist destination as well, but mainly because it has such remarkable views (see below photos.) I didn't drive down the whole way because it goes for 140km but from what I saw - it was amazing. 

Views from Big Sur

xx Sarah 

ps: If you don't have an iPhone you can contact me via Viber! It's free text and calls with wifi. Otherwise, Skype/Facebook (not applicable to any family members) or Email at anytime you like. 


  1. Great photos Sarah! Sounds like the trip is going great!! Viv' and the boys send their love - it's Australia Day here and we are off to the fireworks :-)





“To see the world, things dangerous to come to, to see behind walls, draw closer, to find each other and to feel. That is the purpose of life"

Meet The Author

I'm Sarah, a 24 year old communications graduate from Melbourne, Australia. I like dogs, netflix and avocado dip. I'm currently documenting my unplanned travels with the help of my iPhone, Canon Powershoot and friends.